Medtronic (NYSE:MDT) said today that it’s starting a large study on the effect of pulse oximetry and capnography in opioid-induced respiratory depression, using its Capnostream device. The 1,650-patient Prodigy study aims to create a tool to score the risk of OIRD in patients being treated with opioids for pain, using Capnostream’s continuous pulse oximetry and capnography monitoring […]
Artificial pancreas: These companies are racing to make one
Medical device companies are close to achieving the holy grail of diabetes treatment: a combined glucose sensor, control algorithm and insulin infusion device that effectively acts as an “artificial pancreas.” We explain more in the newest video from editors at Drug Delivery Business’s sister publication Medical Design & Outsourcing. (And for a deeper dive, check out […]
Medtronic launches study of In.Pact Admiral drug-coated balloon in end-stage renal disease
Medtronic (NYSE:MDT) said today that the 1st patient was enrolled in a study of its In.Pact Admiral drug-coated balloon in patients with end-stage renal disease. The FDA approved the investigational device exemption study to evaluate the device as a treatment for failing arteriovenous fistulas in end-stage renal disease patients. “We are delighted to enroll and treat […]
EuroPCR Roundup: Bioresorbable stents show promise, but metallic drug-eluting stents remain standard
Updated to include a statement from an Abbott spokesperson. Abbott‘s (NYSE:ABT) bioresorbable scaffold has been plagued with a myriad of troubling data, including a study that showed that the device is associated with an increase in thrombosis and target lesion failure. In April, Abbott restricted use of the Absorb devices to clinical registry studies. In response […]
Medtronic wins FDA nod for Resolute Onyx drug-eluting stent
Medtronic (NYSE:MDT) said today that the FDA approved its Resolute Onyx drug-eluting stent. The Fridley, Minn.-based company touted its device as the 1st stent formed by a sinusoidal wave of cobalt alloy wire. The company incorporated a radiopaque inner core within the wire to boost visibility, according to Medtronic. The stent also features thin struts and a polymer […]
Boston Scientific looks to lead the drug-eluting PAD market
Angioplasty is not a new procedure – doctors have been widening obstructed arteries with balloons since the 1960s. But for years the medtech industry has been plagued with what Jeff Mirviss, president of Boston Scientific’s interventional peripheral biz, calls the procedure’s Achilles heel: Restenosis. For patients treated with bare balloons, half must have the procedure done again […]
Medtronic touts drug-coated balloon in peripheral artery disease patients
Medtronic (NYSE:MDT) touted data today for its In.Pact Admiral drug-coated balloon in 2 sub-analyses of peripheral artery disease patients in the company’s In.Pact Global Study. The data were presented at the 2017 Charing Cross Symposium in London. Researchers presented 1-year outcomes in patients with complex lesions, as well as outcomes in a subset of patients with […]
Medtronic updates 2011 battery warning on Synchromed II implantable drug pumps
Medtronic (NYSE:MDT) this month updated physicians on a warning it 1st issued in July 2011 about the batteries in its SynchroMed II implantable drug infusion pump. The pumps are used primarily to treat chronic pain or severe spinal or cerebral spasticity. The issue, 1st reported in July 2009, relates to the formation of a filmy substance within the […]
United delays Remosynch launch until 2018
Shares in United Therapeutics (NSDQ:UTHR) fell -7% this morning to $126.17 apiece after the company said that the U.S. commercial launch of Remosynch, Medtronic‘s (NYSE:MDT) implantable infusion pump for Remodulin, will be delayed until 2018. “United Therapeutics’ commitment to bringing better therapies to patients transcends temporary delays or setbacks,” United chairman & CEO Martine Rothblatt said in […]
7 companies in the race to make an artificial pancreas
Over 50 years ago, scientists discovered the ability to externally control blood glucose regulation for individuals with type 1 diabetes. Since then, researchers in the field of diabetes management have dreamt of creating a closed-loop system – a combined glucose sensor, control algorithm and insulin infusion device – to effectively act as an “artificial pancreas” […]