Shares in Ophthotech (NSDQ:OPHT) dipped to $2.46 apiece this morning after the company announced that its Phase III wet age-related macular degeneration trial failed to meet its primary endpoint. The New York-based company said that the addition of Fovista (pegpleranib) to Eylea or Avastin, both anti-VEGF therapies, did not significantly improve visual acuity after 12-months compared […]
scPharmaceuticals names Tucker as CEO | Personnel Moves – May 1, 2017
scPharmaceuticals said in late April that it named pharma-veteran John Tucker as president & CEO, effective immediately. Tucker was also elected to the company’s board of directors. Tucker formerly served as CEO of Alcresta, where he led regulatory and financing strategies for the company’s 1st product approval and launch. He also worked as Incline Therapeutics’ […]