Arkray‘s U.S. subsidiary launched today its Adams A1c HA-8180V system for hemoglobin A1c testing.
The device is indicated to help diagnose and monitor people with diabetes, the Edina, Minn.-based company reported.
“We are excited to bring this technology to the U.S. market. The ADAMS A1c HA-8180V builds on proven expertise. The Adams brand has been used globally for decades. Arkray introduced the first fully automated HPLC HbA1c analyzer in 1981,” Arkray GM Shane Hawes said in prepared remarks.
The system’s fully-automated analyzer uses HPLC, generating results in 90 seconds. The device also reduces hands-on time using features like primary tube cap-piercing sampling and not requiring sample pre-treatment.
Detecting and treating diabetes early can help decrease the risk of developing long-term complications.
“The Adams A1c HA-8180V improves outcomes generating the quality results required to assess patient care,” the company added.
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