PharmaJet and Vaccibody inked a collaborative deal to provide needle-free injection tech for the development of a human papillomavirus vaccine.
HPV is the cause of virtually all cervical cancer, according to the National Cancer Institute, and just 2 types of HPV, 16 and 18, are responsible for about 70% of all cases.
PharmaJet’s device is designed to administer medication intramuscularly or subcutaneously, without the use of needles. The Chicago-based company touts the technology as a way to prevent cross-contamination between needles and enhance patient compliance.
“The Phase I clinical data showed that not only does the vaccine appear to have an excellent safety profile, but the T-cell immune responses observed show that our vaccine (VB10.16) induces the strongest HPV16-specific immune response we have seen reported in the literature,” Vaccibody CEO Martin Bonde said in prepared remarks. “While other DNA vaccines developed for this indication require delivery with in vivo electroporation, which is quite painful for the patients, VB10.16 is delivered by needle-free injection, which we believe improves patient compliance tremendously and will be a significant asset in further development of this product.”
“We are pleased that the PharmaJet device is being used for this important study, and are encouraged by the improved compliance that needle-free may provide. This is consistent with our survey data that shows 93% of patients would choose needle-free again for their next vaccination,” added PharmaJet chairman & CEO Ron Lowy. “Given that multiple vaccine doses are required for the HPV vaccine, improved compliance with needle-free is an important advantage.”
In August, PharmaJet landed a multi-year partnership with the World Health Organization as part of the group’s effort to eradicate polio using the company’s needle-free tech.
Mh ayub hussain says
Hi i need more info detail for above said products.can it be used for circum.